EHS Policy

    Human Resources Policy

    Quality Policy

    GMP Policy

  • The Company recognises that people are its main resource and that success depends on the continued involvement of G. M. Chemie Pvt. Ltd., effort and professionalism of all who work. Thus, is the policy of G. M. Chemie Pvt. Ltd.

  • Admitting staff of quality, based on a precise and objective selection

  • Treating all employees with fairness, not allowing any form of discrimination (sex, religion, opinion, nationality, race) and providing a work environment that promotes team spirit, ensures mutual respect and, where is justified and provides individual attention

  • To offer its employees the employment prospects of sustainable and competitive growth

  • Practice salaries competitive in the marketplace and with developments, according to the function performed by the developer, his own potential, experience and merit

  • Investigated and corrective measures implemented in all situations not conform to avoid its repetition itself

  • Promote, in an ongoing and planned projects, training for all employees that they are part of the needs and possibilities of the company

  • To promote and develop the practice of the delegation, based on competence, effective in communication, on mutual trust, respecting the decisions and in recognition of the right to error

  • Periodically inform each employee on what it is expected, the evaluation of their work, and the prospects for promotion in his/her career

  • To the extent possible, and in view of the prospect of career development, priority shall be given to existing employees to fill vacancies and promotions

  • Develop a social vision, adequate and adjusted to local conditions and legislation applicable to each company to ensure the existence of protection for each employee and his family during their working life, and later in his retirement

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